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Research grants

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With national funding:

  • Excellence research grant (CEEX) no. C85/2006, beneficiary: The Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin; project manager: prof. Mangra Mihail; title: Development of the knowledge on the elaboration and microprocessing through powder metallurgy of the nanostructured materials for MEMS parts; acronym: PRONANOMAT; period: 2006-2008 (www.imst.ro).

  • Excellence research grant (CEEX) no. 266/2006, beneficiary: The Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: National Institute of Research-Development in Welding and Materials Testing - ISIM Timisoara; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin; project coordinator: prof. Mangra Mihail; title: Plurifunctionalized microlayers for titanium alloys covering by advanced technologies; acronym: MICROFUNCTIA; period: 2006-2008 (www.isim.ro).

  • Research grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) nr.265/2006, beneficiary: Romanian Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: Institute of Welding and Materials Testing (ISIM), Timisoara; partnership: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin; partnership coordination: prof. Mangra M.; title: Virtual centre for integrated technologies with applications in the electroultra-acustic energy in advanced materials engineering; acronym : ULTRATECH; period: 2006-2008 (www.isim.ro).

  • Research grant EXCELLENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 94/2006, beneficiary:  Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: Institute of Chemics-Physics „I.G. Murgulescu”, Bucharest, Romania; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin; partnership coordinator: prof. Mihail  Mangra; title : The influence of the composition and the structure on the thermodynamical, electrical and magnetic properties of the micro- and nanostructured oxidic materials with special magnetorezistive properties; acronym: CMR-TEM; period: 2006-2008 (www.icf.ro).

  • Research grant EXCELLENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 40/2005, beneficiary:  Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) through the Research Centre CEMS; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; partnership coordinator: prof. Mihail Mangra; title: Biocompatible nanostructured materials for medical devices; acronym: NANOBIOMED; period: 2005-2008 (www.pub.ro).

  • Research grant EXCELLENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) 2005, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: IPA - Craiova; artner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; partnership coordinator: prof. Mihail Mangra; title: Research regarding control and evaluation systems for evaluating the pollution level in naval transports; acronym: emSHIPs; period: 2005-2008 (www.ipacv.ro).

  • Research grant 125/2.09.2005, coordinator: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; scientific director: assoc. prof. Gruionu Lucian; title: Computational method for evaluation of hemodynamics and oxygen transport in microvascular networks developed by tissue engineering; period: 2005-2006.


  • Research grant 27661/14.03.2005, coordinator: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romaniascientific director: assoc. prof. Gruionu Lucian; title: Finite elements studies of shape and materials effect on knee implants behavior; period: 2004-2006.


  • Research grant CNCSIS 27GR/11.05.2007, coordinator: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; director: assoc. prof. Gruionu Lucian; title: Improvements of the hip revision arthroplasty using computational, patient customized models for biomechanical evaluation; period: 2007-2009.


  • Research grant EXCELLENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) 131/2006, supported by the Ministry of Education and Research; partener: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; scientific director: assoc. prof. Gruionu Lucian; title: Long term improvement of life quality for patients with arthroplasty through prosthesis functionality extension; period: 2006-2008.


  • Research grant PNCDI-II no. 265/2007, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: Institute of Welding and Materials Testing, ISIM, Timisoara; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; scientific director: assoc. prof. Savu Danut; title: Microwelding systems for circuit elements and incapsulation of microstructures and actuators, acronym: MICROWELD; period: 2007-2009 (www.isim.ro).

With international funding:

  • The 6th Framework Program (PC6), beneficiary: European Comission; project coordinator: Chalex Ltd., United Kingdom; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania, partner coordinator: prof. Mangra Mihail; title: Improvment the understanding of the impact of nanoparticles on human health and the environment; acronym: IMPART (www.impart-nanotox.org).

  • Contract code RO 2002/000 - 586., beneficiary: The Agency for South-West Oltenia Regional Development, Phare 2002 Program: Economic and Social Cohesion - Human Resources Development; manager: prof. Mangra Mihail; technical manager: prof. Ciolacu Filip; title: Ocupational perfectioning and antreprenorial development in the technical field.

  • The 7th Framework Program (PC7), TREN/FP7/TR/218362, beneficiary: European Comission; project coordinator: Via Donau, Vien, Austria; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania, partner coordinator: prof. Mangra Mihail; title: Platform for the implementation of NAIADES PLATINA;period: 2008-2011 (http://www.naiades.info/platina/page.php?id=138&path=1,3,6).

  • Contract SEE AF/A/223/1.3/X, Acronym: NELI, Project title: Cooperation-Network for Logistics and Nautical Education focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube Corridor Supported by Innovative Solutions - Transnational Cooperation Program for South-East Europe, Coordinator: CERONAV Constanta, Partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin, UCV coordinator: Prof. Ion Ciupitu, Period: 2009-2012 (http://www.neliproject.eu/neli/).




With national funding:

  • Research grant PN II - PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-0252, coordinator: University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Craiova; partener: University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin; title: Hyperthermic magnetic nanoparticle ablation of liver and pancreatic tumors, acronym: NANO-ABLATION; period: 2012-2015.



  • Contract SEE/D/0080/3.2/X, Acronym: HINT, Project title: Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology, South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (SEE), Coordinator: CERONAV Constanta, Partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin, UCV coordinator: Lect. Savu Sorin, period: 2012-2014 (www.hintproject.net).


  • Research grant, program: European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST - MPNS Action MP0903, title: NANOALLOY – Nanoalloys as Advanced Materials: From Structure to Properties and Applications; beneficiary: European Comission; coordinator: University of Genova, Italy; prof. Gingu Oana, member of the Management Comittee for Romanian Partner, coordinator of the research team at the University of Craiova; period: 2010-2013 (http://w3.cost.eu/index.php?id=247&action_number=MP0903). 


  • Contract 2012-EU-18067-S, Acronym: LNG, Project title: "LNG masterplan for Rhine-Main-Danube", Program Trans-European-Network (TEN-T) MAP 2012, Coordinator: PRO Danube Management GmbH, Austria, partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Engineering and Management of the Technological Systems from Drobeta Turnu Severin, UCV coordinator: Prof. Gabriel Benga, period: 2013-2015 (http://www.lngmasterplan.eu/).