Research Grants participation:

  1. 2007-2009 – P.I. of a two years grant: “Improvements of the hip revision arthroplasty using computational, patient customized models for biomechanical evaluation”, supported by Ministry of Research and Education from Romania, Contract No.  27GR/11.05.2007.
  2. 2006-2008 - scientific director for a 3 years grant “Long term improvement of life quality for patients with arthroplasty through prosthesis functionality extension” , supported by Ministry of Research and Education from Romania, Contract No. 131/2006.
  3. 2006-2008 - scientific director for a 3 years grant “Patient customized recovering of the mobility for neurological and orthopedic pathology using interdisciplinary research methodology” , supported by Ministry of Research and Education from Romania, Contract No. 107/2006.
  4. 2007-2009, research consultant for the research grant “Image-Guided Transbronchial Biopsy with Novel Biopsy Device”, of the ISIS Center, Georgetown University, Washington, SUA, finanţat de TATRC BAA, SUA, P.I. Kevin Cleary, Assoc. Prof.
  5. 2006-2007 – visiting researcher for the research grant: „Periscopic Spine Surgery”, Georgetown University, Washington, SUA, Nr Grant: DAMD17-99-1-9022 supported by U.S. Army
  6. 2004-2006 – P.I. of a two years grant:  „Computational method for evaluation of hemodynamics and oxygen  transport in microvascular networks developed by tissue engineering”, supported by Romanian Academy of Science, Contract No. 125/2.09.2005.
  7. 2004-2006 – P.I. of a two years grant:  „Finite elements studies of shape and materials effect on knee implants behavior”, supported by National University Research Council from Romania, Contract No. 27661/14.03.2005.
  8. 2005-2007 – researcher for an EXR grant, supported by Ministry of Research and Education from Romania: „Nanostructured Materials for medical devices; Contract No. 40/2005
  9. 2003-2005 – P.I. of a two years grant:  „Biomechanical virtual model for investigation, kinematics study and optimization of prosthetic implant for gait rehabilitation”, supported by National University Research Council from Romania, Contract No. 33547-2003.
  10. 2001- 2002 - research assistant, grant: "High-Fidelity Synthetic Human Torso for Training and Evaluation of Urologic Laparoscopic Skills", Johns Hopkins University, USA, supported by "American Foundation for Urologic Disease", Grant No. PHD0103.
  11. 2002 - research assistant, grant: "Multi-Imager Compatible Robot for Precise Prostate Access", Johns Hopkins University, USA, supported by National Institute of Health - NCI, Grant No. 1R21CA088232-01A1.



  1. S.D. Pastrama, L.G. Gruionu, N. Iliescu, C. Constantinescu, V Georgeanu, T Atasiei, "Biomechanics of the knee and hip arthroplasty", 2008, p216, Publisher: Printech, ISBN: 976-606-521-090-5.
  2. C. Mercut, E.T. Avramescu, D. Niculescu, L.G. Gruionu, R. Melinte, “Contribution to the mechanical stress distribution in the proximal humerus fracture region after repair”, Publisher: Universitaria Craiova, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-742-758-8
  3. Mercut, G., E.T. Rinderu, and L. Gruionu, “Clinical-ultrasonographical aspects and computational modeling in open angle glaucoma”, 2005, Craiova: Publisher: Universitaria.
  4. Gruionu, L.G., C. Bratianu, and P. Rinderu, “Modeling and numerical simulation in biomechanics”, 2005: Publisher: Universitaria Craiova. p216, ISBN: 973-8043-97-8.
  5. Rinderu, P. and L. Gruionu, “Numerical Methods - Theory and Applications” 2003, Craiova, Romania: Publisher: Universitaria. p210,  ISBN: 973-8043-332-2


Scientific Papers in Journals and Conference Proceedings

  1. Gruionu L.G., Avramaescu E.T., Ilinca I., Zavaleanu M., Rosulescu E., "Using modeling methods to study injury mechanism of the lower limbs during volleyball spike movement for female players", 16th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Supp. No. 47, p206, 2008.
  2. Avramescu T.E., Gruionu L.G., Ilinca I, Zavaleanu M., Rosulescu E., "A biomechanical virtual model of the shoulder used to study injuries during volleyball spike movement", 16th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Supp. No. 47, p206, 2008.
  3. Rosulescu E., Zavaleanu M, Avramescu T., Danoiu S., Gruionu L, Dragomir M, "Effects of muscles strengthening and electrical stimulation on lower limb kinematics in children with paraplegic cerebral palsy", 16th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Supp. No. 47, p187, 2008.
  4. Avramescu E.T., Ilinca I., Gruionu L.G., C. Neamtu, "Image acquisition and movement analysis - a protocol aiming to decrease trauma incidence in high level volleyball", Archivos de medicina del deporte, Vol. XX(6), p516, 2008.
  5. Ilinca I, Avramescu E.T., Gruionu L.G., C. Neamtu, "Elaboration of a tridimensional musculoskeletal model based on strike attack biomechanical analysis in volleyball", ", Archivos de medicina del deporte, Vol. XX(6), p516, 2008.
  6. Gruionu L.G., Iliescu N., Pastrama S., "Bone ingrowth simulation around tibia prosthetic component", International Congress of the Polish Society of Biomechanics 2008, Wroclaw, Poland.
  7. Iliescu N., Pastrama S., Nastasescu V., Gruionu L.G. "On the change of the maximum pressure area at the interface cup – femoral piece due to aseptic decementation of the cotyloid part", International Congress of the Polish Society of Biomechanics 2008, Wroclaw, Poland.
  8. Iliescu N., Pastrama S., Gruionu L.G., Jiga G., "Photoelastic studies concerning the Biomechanical changes of the hip joint following different corective osteothomies", International Congress of the Polish Society of Biomechanics 2008, Wroclaw, Poland.
  9. V. Georgeanu, V. Predescu, T. Atasiei, I. Gandea, S. Cristea, L. G. Gruionu, Studiul remanierii osoase periprotetice in artroplastia totala de genunchi prin metoda elementelor finite”, Al XIII-lea Congres Naţional SOROT - Conferinta Nationala de Ortopedie, 2008, Baile Felix, Romania.
  10. L. G. Gruionu, V Predescu, N. Iliescu, S. Pastrama, P. Rinderu, G. Gruionu, "Biomechanical Behavior of the Revision Hip Asthroplasty during normal walking", Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, St. Louis, USA, 2008.
  11. Gruionu L.G., F. Manstad-Hulaas, E. Wilson, P. Cheng, T. Popa, J. Lee, F. Banovac, K. Cleary, “Design, construction and evaluation of an electromagnetically tracked quidewire for interventional radiology and surgical applications, 22nd  International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, 2008.
  12. N. Iliescu, L. G. Gruionu, S. D. Pastrama, ”Cercetari numerice si experimentale privind comportamentul biomecanic al protezelor de sold si genunchi”, Simpozion National de Cercetare Stiintifica Medicala de Excelenta 25-26 octombrie 2007 Sibiu, Editura Universitara „Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, 2007, ISBN: 978-973-708-272-5
  13. V. Georgeanu, V. Predescu, T. Atasiei, I. Gandea, S. Cristea, L. G. Gruionu, Corelaţia dintre malpoziţia componentei tibiale in plan frontal şi durata de supravieţuire a artroplastiei totale de genunchi”, Al XII-lea Congres Naţional SOROT - Conferinta Nationala de Ortopedie 2007, Târgu Mureş, Romania.
  14. V. Geogeanu, L. G. Gruionu, V. Predescu, T. Atasiei, „Studiul corelaţiei între cinematica protezei totale de genunchi şi uzura polietilenei prin metoda elementelor finite”, Conferinţa “Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iaşi” – ediţia a V-a, Iasi, Romania, 2007.
  15. V. Predescu, L. G. Gruionu, V. Georgeanu, St. Cristea, I. Dinulescu, „Folosirea metodelor computaţionale cu elemente finite în compararea tehnicilor de reconstrucţie acetabulară în revizia protezei de şold”, Conferinţa “Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iaşi” – ediţia a V-a, Iasi, Romania, 2007.
  16. L. G. Gruionu, N. Iliescu, V. Predescu,Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of total hip replacement behavior during a step-up task”, 24th Danubia-Adria International Symposium, Sibiu, Romania, 2007.
  17. L. G. Gruionu, S. Pastrama, V. Georgeanu, P. Rinderu,Numerical modeling and simulation of mechanical phenomena in total knee arthroplasty during walking”, 24th Danubia-Adria International Symposium, Sibiu, Romania, 2007.
  18. L. G. Gruionu, N. Iliescu, Ş. D. Pastramă, „Experimental investigations concerning the biomechanical behavior of the knee joint in some pathological cases”, 24th Danubia-Adria International Symposium, Sibiu, Romania, 2007.
  19. Gruionu L.G., Emmanuel Wilson, Irving N. Weinberg, Kevin Cleary, Kenneth H. Wong, “Tracking accuracy evaluation of a PET-enabled glove for molecular image-guided surgery”, 21st  International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Berlin, Germany, 2007.
  20. Jae Choy, L.G. Gruionu, Teo Popa, Eric Anderson, Irving Weinberg, Kevin Cleary, “Transbronchial biopsy assisted by Electromagnetically-tracked biopsy forceps”, 21st  International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Berlin, Germany, 2007.
  21. Weinberg Irving, Cheng Patrick, Wong Kenneth H., Cleary Kevin, Abshire Pamela, Saveliev Valeri, Dandin Marc P., Gruionu, L.G., “PET-Enabled Glove for Molecular Image-Guided Surgery”, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, v48, S2, 163P, 2007 (cotat ISI, IF: 4.986, ISSN: 0161-5505).
  22. Gruionu, L.G., Predescu, V., Avramescu, T.,  Cristea, S., Dinulescu, I. “Finite element analysis of the revision hip arthroplasty with allograft and restoration GAP acetabular cup”, 8th Congress of European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Florenţa, Italia, 2007.
  23. Predescu, V., Gruionu, L. G., Cristea, S.; Dinulescu, I., “The comparison between two revision hip arthroplasty procedures using computational methods”, 8th Congress of European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Florenţa, Italia, 2007.
  24. Georgeanu, V. A., Gruionu, L.G., Predescu, V., Atasiei, T., Cristea, S., „The study of correlation between joint kinematics and poliethylene wear using finite elements method for total knee replacement”, 8th Congress of European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Florenţa, Italia, 2007.
  25. Georgeanu V., L.G. Gruionu, „Correlation between joint kinematics and polyethylene wear using finite elements method for total knee replacement”, Maedica – a Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 1(4), pag. 38-42, 2007, ISSN: 1841-9038.
  26. Kenneth H. Wong, Lucian G. Gruionu, Patrick Cheng, Stephen Adler, Pamela Abshire, Valeri Saveliev, Seong K. Mun, Kevin Cleary, Irving N. Weinberg, ” PETglove, a new technology for portable molecular imaging”, Proceedings of Medical Imaging 2007 Conference: Visualization and Image-Guided Procedures, San Diego, California, USA.
  27. Gruionu, L.G., Rinderu, P.L., “Knee Biomechanics - Past, Present and Future”, ICB 90 Lecture Series, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006.
  28. Gruionu, L. G., Rinderu, P. L., "Numerical simulation of bone ingrowth after total knee arthroplasty". 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Journal of Biomechanics, v39, s1, p412, 2006.(IF 2.364) ISSN: 0021-9290.
  29. Mazilu, D., A. Patriciu, L.G. Gruionu, A. Ong, L. Ellison, D. Frimberger, O. Fugita, L. Kavoussi, D. Stoianovici, A Synthetic Torso for Training and Evaluation of Urologic Laparoscopic Skills. Journal of Endourology, v20, nr. 5, pg. 340-345, 2006. (IF 1.035) ISSN 0892-7790.
  30. L.G. Gruionu, C. Bratianu, „A constitutive model of the human ligament for finite elements simulation”, Journal of Endourology, v19, nr. 7, pg. 922-923, 2005. (IF 1.035) ISSN 0892-7790, (indexat ISI şi Pubmed/Medline).
  31. Mercut G, Rinderu E.T, Andritoiu AC, Gruionu L.G., „Pressure stress in glaucoma--assessment through classical techniques and computational modelling”, Oftalmologia, vol 49(2), pag. 66-74, 2005 ISSN: 1220-0875. (indexat în PubMed/Medline)
  32. Gruionu, L.G., Rinderu P.L., Gruionu G., “A computational study of the tibial component biomechanical behavior in total knee arthroplasty”, Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Baltimore, USA, 2005.
  33. Ciolacu F., Craciunoiu, N., Gruionu L.G. “Drilling forces measuring using a strain gages based dynamometer”, Proceedings Euro PM Conference , Praga, 2005.
  34. Rinderu, P., L.G. Gruionu, C. Mercut, C. Berceanu, 2D analysis of the humerus diaphysis-metaphisys fractures. Review of industrial engineering, 2005. 1(1): p. 53-57.
  35. Gruionu, G., J.B. Hoying, L.G. Gruionu, M.H. Laughlin, T.W. Secomb, Structural adaptation increases predicted perfusion capacity following vessel obstruction in the arteriolar arcade network of pig skeletal muscle. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, vol 288 (6): H2778-H2784, 2005 ISSN:0363-6135. (indexat în ISI şi PubMed/Medline, factor impact 3.560)
  36. Bratianu, C., L.G. Gruionu. Computational simulation of a total knee prosthesis mechanical behavior. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 306-308, pag. 1265-1270, Part 1-2, 2006 ISSN: 1013-9826, (indexat în ISI, factor impact 0.497)
  37. M. Mangra, O. Gingu, G. Sima, N. Dumitru, L.G. Gruionu, N. Coman, „Contributions to metallic matrix composites processing by powder metallurgy”, NANOMAT, Iasi,2005.
  38. Mangra M., Ciolacu, F., Dumitru, N., Ciupitu, I., Craciunoiu, N., Gingu, O. Gheorghe, St. Benga, G., Teisanu, C., Gruionu, L.G., Savu, D., Sima, G., Coman, D. “Orientari si tendinte in elaborarea prin metalurgia pulberilor si analiza materialelor avansate”, A 4-a editie a Seminarului National de nanostiinta si nanotehnologie, Academia Romana, 2005.
  39. Rinderu, P., C. Bratianu, L.G. Gruionu. A 3D finite element model of the cruciate ligaments in normal and special solicitations. in The 14-th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics. 2004. Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
  40. Gruionu, L.G., C. Mercut, P. Rinderu, C. Berceaunu. 3D Finite element analysis of diaphysis-metaphisys humerus fractures. in The 14-th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics. 2004. Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
  41. Bratianu, C., P. Rinderu, L.G. Gruionu. A 3D Finite Element Model of a Knee for Joint Contact Stress Analysis during Sport during Sport Activities. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 261-263, pag. 513-517, 2004, ISSN: 1013-9826, (indexat în ISI, factor impact 0.497).
  42. Bratianu, C., L.G. Gruionu, P. Rinderu. Modelarea si simularea numerica a contactului suprafetelor articulatiei tibio-femurale. in Proceedings of The 7-th International Conference on Mecatronics and Precision Engineering. 2004. Bucuresti, ISBN: 973-86886-1-2.
  43. Bratianu, C., L.G. Gruionu. A Knee 3D computational model for stress analysis. in Performance Based Engineering for 21 Century. 2004. Iasi, ISBN: 973-667-063-5.
  44. Rinderu, P., E.T. Rinderu, L.G. Gruionu, C. Bratianu, A FEM study of aortic hemodynamics in the case of stenosis. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2003. 5(2): p. 45-52 ISSN: 1509-409X, (indexat EMBASE, Elsevier).
  45. Mocanu, M., A. Patriciu, D. Stoianovici, D. Mazilu, D. Lindisch, G. Corral, L.G. Gruionu, K. Cleary. Fluoroscopy Servoing using Translation/Rotation Decoupling in an A/P View. in Proceedings of Medical Imaging 2003 Conference: Visualization and Image-Guided Procedures, San Diego, California, USA.
  46. Mazilu, D., L.G. Gruionu, O. Fugita, L. Ellison, P. Pinto, A. Patriciu, L. Kavoussi, D. Stoianovici. Synthetic-Animal Model for Urologic Laparoscopy Training. in 18-th Annual Meeting of Engineering & Urology Society. 2003. Chicago, USA.
  47. Gruionu, G., J.B. Hoying, M.H. Laughlin, G.M. Constantinescu, L.G. Gruionu, T.W. Secomb, Simulation of blood flow and structural adaptation in arteriolar arcade network of miniature swine triceps muscle:  Maintenance of perfusion following partial removal of blood supply. FASEB Journal, 2003. 17(4): p. A551 ISSN: 0892-6638, (indexat ISI).
  48. Rinderu E.T., Gruionu L.G., Rinderu P.L., Bratianu C., „A Finite Element Model Of The Cruciate Ligaments”, European Congress Of Sports Medicine, Hasselt, Belgium, 2003.
  49. Rinderu, P., L.G. Gruionu, C. Bratianu, T. Rinderu. A FEM study of aortic hemodynamics in the case of stenosis. in 13th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics. 2002. Wroclaw, Poland.
  50. Dragoi, G., R. Melinte, S. Dragoi, L.G. Gruionu, M. Niculescu, M. Stanescu, R. Nemes, T. Rinderu, Contributii la modelarea structurii osului intr-un spatiu topologic.  Implicatii in patologia medico-legala. Romanian Journal of Anatomy, 2002. 4(1): p. 34-49.
  51. Rinderu, P., T. Rinderu, L.G. Gruionu. A finite element model for analyzing the compact bone microfractures. in II Congress of European Federation of Sports Medicine, IX Congreso Nacional de la Federacion Espanola de Medicina Deportiva. 2001. Oviedo, Spain: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.
  52. Rinderu, P., G. Dragoi, L.G. Gruionu, T. Rinderu. A finite element model for analyzing the bone microfractures (static and dynamic approaches). in The 17th International Symposium on Sports Medicine. 2001. Ierusalem, Israel.
  53. Gruionu, L.G., T. Rinderu, P. Rinderu. A finite element model for analyzing the compact bone structure. in II Congress of European Federation of Sports Medicine, IX Congreso Nacional de la Federacion Espanola de Medicina Deportiva. 2001. Oviedo, Spain: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte.
  54. Rinderu, T., L.G. Gruionu. Finite element model for hemodynamics and arterial wall mechanics. in XX Congres International de Medicine du Sport. 2000. Paris, France: Elsevier.
  55. Rinderu, P., L.G. Gruionu, O analiza cu metoda elementului finit a unor vase compromise anatomic. Analele Universitatii din Craiova, 2000(Mecanica).
  56. Rinderu, P. L.G. Gruionu, Analiza cu metoda elementului finit a unui arbore arterial. Analele Universitatii din Craiova, 2000(Mecanica).
  57. Gruionu, L.G.,  E. Rinderu. Computational blood flow modeling of human abdominal aorta with mild stenosis. in XX Congres International de Medicine du Sport. 2000. Paris, France: Elsevier.
  58. Gruionu, L.G.,  D. Mazilu. Prelucrarea rotilor dintate conice cu dinti curbi pe masini Saratov. in A III-a Conferinta Nationala de Tehnologii Moderne de Prelucrare. 1995. Craiova, Romania: Universitatea din Craiova.



Other Activities:

-       Founder and director of the research group „Computational Biomechanics Group” from University of Craiova, and of the "Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Laboratory"

-       member of European Society of Biomechanics,

-       research proposals reviewer for National University Research Council from Romania from 2005